The brisket in this Homemade Corned Beef with Vegetables needs to brine for two weeks, so plan ahead. Pink curing salt develops flavor and while the brisket...
Ground beef, pinto beans, and tomatoes spiced with chili powder bubble under a crunchy, gooey topping of tortilla chips and two cheeses in this quick and...
In the dressing, honey balances the lime's acidity and the chipotle's spice. Add juices from the seared steak to make it even more savory. If you prefer,...
Nothing says celebration like a standing Rib Roast with Yorkshire Pudding at the center of the dinner table. Try this one from "All About Roasting," by...
This holiday-worthy roast features shallots that become very tender when roasted; tossed with balsamic vinegar and brown sugar, they taste like sweet onion...
A popular street food in Mexico and Venezuela, a pepito is a torta that's typically filled with steak and beans. Here, they're sandwiched between seeded...
Corned beef-a St. Patrick's Day standby-is made from brisket that has been cured and preserved with salt, sugar, and various spices. That's right: salt...
Martha's take on the classic Cuban beef stew relies on affordable flank steak. Browning the beef before adding it to the slow cooker makes the meat and...
For juicy meat and a great crust, choose a thicker cut such as rib eye. Because this type of steak takes longer to cook, it will have time to develop a...
Hanger steak is sliced into narrow, half-foot-long pieces, which are perfect for maneuvering around a small grill. Serve this with heavy-duty sides like...
This recipe brings an old family favorite into the 21st century. Savoy cabbage becomes a wrapper for a fragrant mix of beef, pork, herbs, and nutty brown...
This year, bring the burger joint to Dad for Father's Day. Feta cheese-stuffed burgers are a delicious addition to any cookout and can be made up to a...
Serve roast beef with all the trimmings for an easy meal rich in flavor. The centerpiece standing rib roast is presented with roasted potatoes that are...
This meaty sandwich should please the very hungry at lunchtime. It's an easy meal that requires just 10 minutes of prep work. Roast onion, bell pepper,...
Mustard, lemon juice, and garlic layer the steak with flavor in as little as 10 minutes. You can also marinate the meat with these 3 ingredients up to...
When you pair Asian flavors with spring vegetables and steak, you're bound to come out with a terrific dinner -- plus, the rice catches all the tasty sauce...